Dr. Adam Kaplan On Creating A Custom Foot Orthotic

Dr. Adam Kaplan On Creating A Custom Foot Orthotic

Dr. Adam Kaplan On Creating A Custom Foot Orthotic
March 18, 2021 | By Dr. Adam Kaplan

Hi everyone! I am Adam Kaplan, a podiatrist and the founder of Arcus Orthotics. I started Arcus about 6 months ago on a mission to create a true custom orthotic, as well as give back to the diabetic community. We mold and create true custom orthotics, designed specifically for your unique feet. We wanted the user experience to be both quick and seamless which is why we allow you to help design your orthotics straight from the comfort of your own home. By focusing on essentially one product, we can tailor it to each individual’s diagnosis and needs.

Our three simple steps include using a molding box to create molds of your feet, filling out a customer profile, and shipping the molding box back to our factory. I believe, especially as a podiatrist, that you should walk before you run, but do so while taking risks. Since our inception, we have grown both cautiously and aggressively.

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